Let's start to unpack the CDC Eviction Order. Landlords are prohibited from evicting a covered tenant from a residential property through December 31, 2020. Landlords must not take any action to remove or cause the removal of a covered tenant. There are narrow exceptions- (1/10)
A covered tenant can only be evicted if he/she:
1) engages in criminal activity on property
2) threatens health/safety of a resident
3) damages the property
4) violates building code, health ordinance / reg, or
5) violates a contractual obligation other than nonpayment
Evictions of covered tenants for any reason beyond the five allowed in the CDC Order are broadly prohibited, including evictions for nonpayment of rent, evictions resulting from the expiration of the tenant’s lease, “no-cause” evictions, and evictions of tenants-at-will. (3/10)
So who's a covered tenant? People who:
1) have tried to apply for govt assistance
2) make less then 99k (received a stimulus check)
3) are behind on rent because of the pandemic
4) have tried to pay what they can and
5) would likely become homeless if evicted.
BUT - (4/10)
Tenants who qualify must know the protection exists and actively opt in. In order to be protected, people need to fill out this form (under the penalty of perjury) and give it to their landlord https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/declaration-form.pdf. Available in Spanish here: https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/CDC-Spn_2-2.pdf (5/10)
There is no deadline in the CDC Order for tenants to provide these declarations. A tenant can provide the declaration even if the landlord has already served an eviction notice. Tenants who do, cannot be evicted or removed from where they are living through Dec. 31, 2020. (6/10)
A landlord who violates the CDC Order may be fined up to $100,000 ($250k if the violation results in a death) and be sentenced to one year in jail. A business that violates the Order may be fined up to $200,000 ($500k if the violation result in a death) per each event. (7/10)
Things to note: @GovSisolak's state moratorium, specific to nonpayment of rent evictions, prevents any eviction notices from going out through October 15th. Period. People should try to get their declarations into their landlords before then to be in front of this. (8/10)
Additionally, tenants are still under the normal obligation to pay rent, and people can now accrue late fees (thankfully #NVleg recently limited late fees to 5% of rent). But if people are made aware of their rights, they won't lose the roof over their family during crisis.(9/10)
Lastly, if you need help, there is help. This applies to your home, including weekly rentals. If you're being told differently or are having trouble, contact legal aid before you move out:
In Las Vegas: @LegalAidSNV
In Reno: https://washoelegalservices.org/ 
Statewide: @NLS_Law
You can follow @BaileyBortolin.
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