“Russians had placed malware in the election registration systems of at least 2 Florida counties, St. Lucie and Washington.” The malware could delete voters from specific districts.
We can't slow walk a response to this nat'l security threat any longer! 1/ https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article245597985.html
It's 4 years since we've learned that Russian hackers were trying to hack into our election infrastructure, but the response has been shockingly & embarrassingly weak. We've passed no federal reforms to set minimum security standards for elections systems. Some states still...2/
can't audit their elections, and most others don't bother. Some states still allow wireless modems that directly connect voting systems to the internet (even though you've been lied to and told they don't connect). This is in large part because there's been strong pushback ...3/
...from election officials who don't want ANY federal minimums for post-election auditing. This is absurd - post-election auditing should be routine, expected and mandatory. Yet, we have pumped almost a $1B into the voting system industry to "secure" our elections...4/
Further, they are subject to no regulation and zero oversight or accountability. We don't even know who owns or invests in the companies that run our elections and count our votes because they refuse to disclose that. This all sounds nuts because it is.
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