In 2018, @LeahNTorres said she cuts "the cords" of babies so they can't scream.

Read the latest order from the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners 🔽
The @AlaMedBd alleges @LeahNTorres committed fraud by answering "NO" to:

"Have your staff privileges at any hospital or health care facility been revoked, suspended, curtailed, limited, or placed under conditions restricting your practice?"
The @AlaMedBd alleges @LeahNTorres committed fraud by answering "NO" to:

"Have you ever had a judgment rendered... or action settled relating to performance of your professional service?"

@AlaMedBd: "A medical malpractice action... was settled on or about August 28, 2018"
@AlaMedBd alleges she committed fraud by answering NO to mental conditions:

"On or about March 13, 2019, you... raised the issue of a mental, emotional, nervous, or behavioral disorder... as a defense, mitigation, or explanation for your actions [during] a judicial proceeding"
@AlaMedBd claims @LeahNTorres submitted false, misleading, or untruthful information about her employment history:

"You have made public statements related to the practice of medicine which violate the high standards of honesty, diligence, prudence, and ethical integrity demanded from physicians licensed to practice in Alabama...
... and which evidence conduct which is immoral and which is willful, shameful, and which shows a moral indifference to the standards and opinions of the community in violation of Rule 545-X-4-.06" @AlaMedBd

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