In court today. I love court. I’m upfront about weak felony cases that should’ve been charged as misdemeanors. When in doubt, our neighbors get the benefit of the doubt. Solid felony arrests demand solid felony police work. So I work w/ patrol on making solid cases. I love my job
Helped out patrol briefly on a felony & it was great to be on the street chatting with colleagues & neighbors, trying to make sense of nonsense. Working with good colleagues who are good natured & good hearted & know the law & embrace the motto: above all, bring no drama.
I get along with the assistant district attorneys, who handle serious cases. And I get along with the defense attorneys, especially the public defenders, because their job is as valuable as mine. I encourage a vigorous defense...I just work hard to make sure I’m on solid ground
Having your butt handed to you in court is no fun but it is a real important lesson that this is far more serious than being embarrassed by having your butt handed to you. It’s about someone’s freedom/future & our communities. And about justice. That does actually still exist.
If I were top legal law enforcement person thingy, I would focus on enhancing public defenders’ offices so the least powerful get the most powerful defense. Then fund prosecutors’ offices for the same reason. And then work on why we have so many cases to handle in the 1st place
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