THREAD: Here’s the biggest issue; the issue isn’t that they are white. Many white people have lived in Asian countries and learned to respect and understand Asian heritage, history, and mythology because they have a clear admiration for Asian culture and society.
The issue is that for years Asian Americans have demanded media catered towards them as Asian Americans, and not media that respected Asian CULTURE, because many of them have a very shallow, skin-deep attachment to their heritage.
They are the ones who made fun of “FOBs” for eating stinky Kim chi or disgusting worm noodles, for speaking the weird ching chong languages, for learning Confucian scripts as children, to show their white friends they were the “cool” westernized Asians.
They then grew up to embrace white feminism and put their racial identity at the forefront to take advantage of the progressive stack rather than because they were proud Asians. They got exactly what they asked for: a movie about Asian culture filtered through a AMERICAN lens.
The movie is pure, distilled Asian-Americanism. It is soulless because it was what the creators though we wanted. Asian culture is more than just skin color. It is our history, heritage, and mythology. Asian Americans have nobody to blame but themselves for this travesty.
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