1/ Why I don't blackpill about The Reverend Dr. President Trump. And why you shouldn't blackpill.

Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the electoral process.
2/ Even if Trump loses the election (he won't) we're still winners. Five and a half years ago, we were looking at ¡Jeb! vs. Hilldawg. No matter who wins America loses.

But, then the Golden Escalator delivered a miracle unto us
3/ The day Trump came down, I knew he'd win. It was irrational, I know, but I could feel it in my bones that he was destined for the White House.

One of the most enjoyable moments of my life was election night, watching those smug faces turn to stone on live TV.
4/ In the four years since, I've been disappointed in the outcome of many of the fights, but I've never felt that Trump wasn't fighting for America. He made plenty of mistakes, but he was always in the fight, and he never gave up. Which is why he'll win again his year.
5/ But, let's say he does lose (he won't). Even if that happens, and I have to endure those smug faces gloating, we'll still be in a much better position than we were 5 years, or would have been without Trump. We're still winners.
6/ Look at his *real* accomplishments. The mainstream media has been completely exposed as shitty liars and buffoons. 50%+ of the population will never, ever believe them again.
7/ Trump has completely exposed the machinations of the Deep State. They'll never again operate in the shadows. We're onto their game, and wary of their busted-ass authority.

The curtain has been yanked back on the Wizard of Poz.
8/ The spirit of populism and nationalism are abroad in the country. Look at Slow Joe Hiden trying to copy Trump's message. Populism is a winning strategy.

Smart young men and women are realizing that Trump's message can get them elected to Congress and statehouses.
9/ And here is the biggest victory of all: Trump is he harbinger of a massive, massive realignment, one that just getting underway.
10/ Look at the GOP, the cuckservatives have been comprehensively routed. Some might still be in office, but they're all one populist challenger away from unemployment. And they know it.

This is Trump's party, and will be, even when he's not president, anymore.
11/ As for the Dems, give me a break. Joe Biden? Really? A feeble, senile hack is the future of the Democratic party?

Trump broke the Democratic party. He's smashed them. They can still win elections, but they're one election away from disaster, hopefully this one.
12/ Even if Trump loses (he won't), the realignment rolls on. Populism is too powerful a force. The issues Trump's championed (immigration reform, punching China in the nose, ending endless wars, our abused middle class) are still going to be the issues that motive voters.
13/ And Trump's solutions to those problems and his combative style will still get voters to turn out for nationalist candidates. Even if Trump isn't on the ballot.
14/ Someone will follow Trump. Someone will pick up the populist-nationalist mantle. That person, whoever he is, will be elected president in 2024, either as Trump's successor, or as a reaction to massive shitstorm unleashed by Slow Joe and Karmelo.
15/ The populist gun is on the table. Someone will pick it up and win.

That's why I'm not blackpilled. Trump deserves every bit of adulation we send him. He fought when no one else would.
16/ I love Trump, but Trump is not the culmination of the movement, he's the beginning.

So take heart, friends, win or lose, the future belongs to us! /End
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