It’s all been memory-holed now but the era of Peak Conservative Bush Worship was nearly as creepy and fawning as the Trump stuff.
It's interesting to track conservatives' views of Bush. Post-9/11 it was considered almost literally treasonous to criticize him, or the war in Afghanistan, or to suggest that maybe his administration should have and could have prevented the attacks.
Then of course the accusations that the Iraq War opponents were a fifth column, and Saddam lovers, etc.. Then after Katrina, a whole lot of special pleading about how it was really the local officials fault, or the fault of the poor black residents themselves.
And then by the financial crisis, with Iraq in tatters, and Afghanistan still grinding on with no end in sight and then country on the precipice of a massive bank run and default, everyone more or less just gave up defending him. For a while they all pretend he never happened.
Now the latest twist ret-con conservatism into being proudly anti-war! They always didn't like Bush! Always opposed forever wars! He was a bad globalist! It's all insidious and duplicitous nonsense, but if we survive Trump, we'll basically get another round of it.
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