With a title like "Disrupt White Supremacy Early & Often: Anti Racism for Ages Zero to Five," you won't want to miss the next teach-in session by @Dr_EKing. DM me for the Zoom link! #ScholarStrike
Starting now, but you can still join!
Necessary acknowledgment: "Learning and doing anti-racism is a continuous process"
"Infants aren't colorblind, so we can't assume they're not taking in some of these messages early because they are"
Infants receive messages from books, media, micro interactions, caregivers' facial expressions
Toddlers notice and are curious about differences. How adults respond ("We don't talk about race!") sends a message to toddlers that "difference is bad."
Preschoolers start forming friendships based on race. What messages do preschoolers receive from disparities in preschool suspensions and who's represented in the pictures in their classroom?
She offers ways to disrupt white supremacy and internalized racism in childhood starting with avoiding avoidance: teach through play, art, and books
You can follow @ChloeBolyard.
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