Many people asking if #COVID19 #RuleOf6 restrictions contradict findings & conclusions of our Review of Outdoor Transmission of COVID19 for outdoor events & activities (video below)

NO, on the contrary, new #RuleOf6 is partly explained & underpinned by our findings

Key review insights that explain #RuleOf6:

1) Transmission risk very low outdoors UNLESS natural social distancing breeched – then caution & mitigation needed
2) Largest risk = spontaneous, informal, unregulated gatherings
3) Underlying risk = rate of infection in community

Circumstances that breech natural distancing outdoors R key:

EG: 5 families meeting for picnic in park will have #PerfectCirculation (all will have close contact with everyone) all will touch same surfaces, over duration of several hrs, & no assessment or mitigation of risk

#RuleOf6 intended to prevent multiple hundreds of thousands of informal, unregulated, unmitigated gatherings that R likely every weekend, if not every day

VOLUME of such gatherings exacerbates further the already high risk of unregulated gatherings identified by our review

Govt giving restrictions #ForceOfLaw in attempt to regulate risk of unregulated & unmitigated gatherings

This may work to control size, but not circulation, density, duration, & risk of surface transmission. Nor does it regulate volume of gatherings

Hence need for #RuleOf6

Risk of significant volume of informal, unmitigated, unregulated gatherings significantly exceeds risk of comparatively limited number of risk assessed, formally mitigated, organised outdoor events that consider risk factors, & underlying risk of community rate of infection

Risk of organised, risk assessed, regulated outdoor events is escalation from sporadic transmission to cluster outbreaks

Risk of informal, unmitigated, unregulated gatherings at volume is direct escalation from sporadic to widespread community transmission

Hence #RuleOf6

Consequently, new regulations include cautious exemptions from #RuleOf6 for many organised, risk assessed, regulated settings, including some outdoor events

Albeit that some plans are suspended pending a review

Our review suggests that the govt’s review should:

- not automatically presume against organised outdoor activities & events
- consider detail of risk & mitigation for each event, in whole & in part
- monitor if feared increase in community infection rate actually occurs

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