... In fact, here are the 7 companies listed above mine:
1) Netflix - estimated net worth $125B
2) Hulu - valuation of $15B
3) Peacock - Comcast’s estimated net worth $205.58B
4)Tubi - FOX’s 2019 revenue $11.389B
5) Prime Video - Amazon’s estimated net worth $1000B ... 2/
... 6) Disney+ - The Walt Disney Company’s estimated net worth nearly $130B
7) HBO MAX - WarnerMedia’s 2019 revenue $34.2B
8) @kweliTV - my company has only “raised” <$200K in convertible notes, grants & pitch competitions in the last 5 years!! ... 3/
... This literally blows my mind. All of these companies have thousands of staff members, billons in assets. In 2015 with a $20K grant & enormous will I began building @kweliTV. We’re less than a skeleton crew. I work 15 hour days out of my row house on my dining room table... 4/
... I just start paying myself last year. My current annual salary is $19K. I could tell you about all of the challenges, setbacks & discrimination I’ve faced (and still endure) as a #blackwoman trying to get funding & build a startup. Instead, I want to show gratitude 💜 ... 5/
... to those who believed in me & have invested (money, time or by subscribing) in @kweliTV. Startup life is sooo hard & knowing we have a growing customer base & 300+ filmmakers counting on us to succeed keeps me going when I feel like the odds are stacked up against me ... 6/
... Some questioned if black people wanted to see the type of content we stream on @kweliTV. We’re not monolithic. Some said I shouldn’t dare compete with Netflix or Disney+. We’re building our own lane in this space. I believe there should more Black-owned media! ... 7/
... If you believe in supporting & amplifying authentic black stories & creatives across the globe, please check out @kweliTV if you haven’t done so already. Join & share! We’re small in stature but our mission is mighty! https://www.kweli.tv/pages/about-us  fin/
You can follow @DeShuna.
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