hey everyone. I'd just like to inform you all of something pretty important. omar, formerly known as @/omar_crossings has unfortunately returned to twitter. his new account is @/kinda_sad_fish. please block him and dont interact with him. (thread on why below)
so on discord, me and some friends were in a server that he was the owner of at the time. we were in a voice channel, and we were having fun. he then started saying weird things to us, such as asking one of my friends to read a very nsfw copypasta (we were all minors) and (1/?)
he also kept saying that me and some other male friends i had should all be in a poly relationship. keep in mind that at the time he had a s/o, and so did the other 2 people. (please note I am no longer friends with one of them) and he also kept flirting with one of my (2/?)
other friends. he refused to stop doing this, even when we asked him to stop because it was making us uncomfortable. he also has done something SIGNIFICANTLY worse. (3/?)
/ tw rape mention

so basically, my friend is in a relationship with someone, and their ex friends accused them of being a groomer. more drama happened, and omar chose to insert himself into this drama, where he then accused their s/o, who is a minor, of being a rapist. (4/?)
/ tw anti semitism , nsfw

in a group chat, he also had changed the group chat picture to a hentai drawing of hitler. he didnt apologize, and instead just mocked us for asking him to. he didn't apologize until he was temporarily removed from the group chat. (5/?)
/ tw ableism

he also has defended a neurotypical person's use of the r slur before, saying "he doesnt say those words anymore" instead of listening to the viewpoint of a neurodivergent person who is actually affected by such words. he then acted like I owed him an apology. (6/?)
so in conclusion, please block omar and dont support him/give him attention. he has done numerous awful things. once again, his new account is @/kinda_sad_fish
update: he is now using alt accounts to block evade. he made one called @/snutcra
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