I can’t believe people are defending Woojin! 🙄 1) you NEVER disregard a rape victim’s story. EVER. In any sexual assault case we should ALWAYS believe the victim, who was mentally, emotionally, and maybe even physically if they couldn’t get away, scarred. People like this are-
-ridiculously stupid(and I don’t like to call people stupid often) to say that Woojin is innocent. How is making a fake company, stealing logos and a company name that already exists not guilty? I would rather believe a liar than believe a rapist. I seriously think you need to-
-re-evaluate your values and beliefs if you truly believe Woojin is innocent. I hope anyone reading this understands that you cannot degrade or disregard a rape victim’s situation EVER. I’m not even going to try and argue with anyone. Because at the end of the day, like I said,-
-ALWAYS BELIEVE THE RAPE VICTIM. Woojin is NOT innocent. If he was, then there would be no need for the fake company account, the self-promoting etc. Yes, these things could be brought into court since the fake company uses a logo from ANOTHER company and the name from ANOTHER-
-company too. Anyways I’m leaving it at that and yes I know I’m quite late to talking about this on my account but seriously. People need to stop defending him and face the bigger picture. Woojin is NOT innocent. ALWAYS believe the victim. This was just a rant. Sorry.
Another note: I was hesitant in leaving the person’s @ in the pictures but please do not send hate to them. If anything, they need to be educated and I hope that people understand that this is NOT ok. We shouldn’t just defend him because he’s an ex-idol. One of our “k-pop boys” +
At the end of the day, he is a human being too. And he is a human being that has made terrible choices and should learn to own up to his mistakes. #woojin #SKZot8 #SKZ please add any other things that you want to add and I’ll try my best to include links to them. Also I’ll try-
-and find a good link to proof about the fake company on here as well!
tw // woojin , sexual assault
For now this is a really good thread to get an idea about the fake company if you don’t know! https://twitter.com/chu2gf/status/1303397433016291328
In general I’m just praying that all sexual assault victims will be able to come out and speak about their situation. It’s a shame that this may not happen but sexual assault is a very serious matter and I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH: ALWAYS BELIEVE THE VICTIM.
I said “was” but I mean “is” because the trauma and pain and hurt is never gone. EVER. https://twitter.com/4thgenyeonjunie/status/1303826151517884416
...... https://twitter.com/4thgenyeonjunie/status/1303826151517884416
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