2/ Ms. Giuffre shall produce to Dershowitz all sealed materials and discovery that mentions Mr. Dershowitz, excluding material produced by or material (or portions of material) discussing a specific nonparty Doe whose privacy interests are the subject of a separate sealed order
3/ Derschowitz has "had several bites of this particular apple"
He wanted blanket access to all sealed material and discovery relating to the Maxwell investigation

This was previously denied by the court for the following reasons:
4/▫️Derschowitz' request was staggeringly overboard given the constrained facts at issue
▫️It would threaten to Undermine the unsealing process in the current Maxwell case
▫️The parties providing documents and testimony in the current Maxwell case where relied on protective order
The court ordered Maxwell and Derschowitz to confer and try to reach an agreement on discovery materials

Giuffre had no objection in producing to Derschowitz all deponent, subpoena recipients and affiants to the Maxwell case and sealed materials from the Maxwell action
The court expressed concerns for 2 reasons

▫️It would threaten the unsealing process and
▫️It would infringe on confidentiality
In an effort to provide reasonable accommodation to Derschowitz the court will modify the Protective Order to allow limited disclosure of documents and testimony that mentions Dershowitz

End /
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