1. Do you think the left is currently more dangerous than the right? Is it part of this judgment that you see a worryingly large chunk of the left captured by an ideology that unfairly demonizes whites as a group?
4. This immunity spread as awareness grew that leftists used these slime-terms in bad faith – as political cudgels. Its possession distinguished those recognizing the need for Trump from conservatives who didn’t in Michael Anton’s “Flight 93 Election” (2016):
5. “For two generations at least, the Left has been calling everyone to their right Nazis.”

“There is nothing the modern conservative fears more than being called ‘racist.’” They “desperately want absolution from the charge of ‘racism’.” https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/digital/the-flight-93-election/
7. Possessing immunity is a sine qua non of being a “wartime conservative” ( @willchamberlain). Wartime cons say failing peacetime cons – establishment cons, Never-Trump cons – haven’t wised up to the nature of the modern left.
8. Peacetime cons don’t recognize the bad-faith use of the left’s “-ist” and “-phobe” terms. The difference between the two species of conservatives is patent in wartime Tucker’s interview with peacetime @SenatorBraun.
12. With 2014’s GamerGate, the rise of the Tumblr Left (see Nagle’s Kill All Normies), and more ordinary ways of wising up, immunity spread to an electorally sufficient size. How did Trump get elected, with the MSM denouncing him as racist? His 2016 base had developed immunity.
13. To be sure, immunity was most paradigmatically present in the (at least in part) actually racist alt-right. But contra MSM thinking, it wasn’t limited to them: immunity also became a defining feature of the IDW:
14. @BretWeinstein’s response to the Evergreen mob exemplified immunity. His record of sacrifice in fighting racism allowed him to stand down their ‘racist!’ charge in the public sphere. They tried to strike him down and he became more powerful.
15. @EricRWeinstein’s 4-quandrant model, Russell conjugation, etc., are all immunity-bequeathed concepts. Cf. his understanding of Trump: we wanted a panther in the China shop, but only a bull was available ( @RubinReport).
16. Eric’s immunity is expressed in how he sees a need for some such animal to smash MSM & aligned institutions.

The Weinsteins are (old-school) progressives. They’re not on the (old) right, let alone on the racist right. Yet immunity is one of their key characteristics.
17. Thus I wrote here,

“While the IDW is not the alt-right, they are both reactions against, and responses to — one racist, one not — the “MSM’s” overreach in accusing Americans of bigotry.” https://arcdigital.media/eric-weinstein-mistakes-an-enemy-for-a-friend-47454255a500
18. The mass spreading of immunity is a key element in the explanation of Trump’s 2016 victory. (That there are others doesn’t negate this.) In 2016, such insight was still somewhat esoteric – thus @greenhall18’s essay went viral.
19. The popularity of the IDW signals immunity going more mainstream. And now, of course, the most popular cable-news show in history is – not coincidently! – hosted by a man thoroughly confident in his immunity: “It’s RaCiSt!” is now one of Tucker’s recurring speech acts.
20. AND YET, to this very day, the MSM remains unable to even conceive this concept (immunity). The outlets named in 2. can’t abandon the inference,

‘x denies white privilege exists --> x is racist.’
21. They can’t countenance the possibility that the far left’s concepts have been applied beyond their legitimate range of applicability. They thus can’t argue against our charge that they have.
22. They can only double down and say we’re racist for resisting. https://twitter.com/derocrates/status/1281388594645565440
23. This is one reason why @greenhall18 says of the MSM (“blue church”) that,

“It’s noise. No truth is broadcast on that signal... It’s no longer an adaptive strategy to tune in to be a blue church radio” (1:14:58-15:09).
25. No contradiction: Trump recognizes that both (1) racism exists, and (2) “racism” et al. slime-terms are overused by the left as political cudgels. Recognizing (2) is possessing immunity.
26. In the current political environment, only possessors of immunity are fit for office. What explains the silence of well-meaning folk not condemning riots? A lack of immunity.

Sure Joe, you don’t look like a radical socialist. But you’re not immune to their weapons.
27. You show why you’re not the man for the job in 2020 in this very speech where you say,

“The country is crying out for leadership – leadership that can unity us; leadership that brings us together” (1:04).
28. Yes, we need “leadership that recognizes pain and the deep grief of communities” (1:11). That’s (1) (see 25.) That’s necessary but not sufficient. Our leader must also recognize (2) the weaponization of these things.
29. What we’re “crying out for” is a leader who will stand the insanity down, not someone who’ll coddle and cave to it – exactly as you do in this speech.

So thanks, but no thanks.

We’ll stick with the bull.
Sorry it's @jgreenhall not @greenhall18 I meant to tag (in 3., 18. and 23.)
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