As a web designer for decades with an interest in privacy and security, I've had a look at the information about the new Scottish Test & Protect app for ioS and Android. 
It does not store or share your identifying data. Not your location, your name or your phone number.

If you're worried about privacy, don't be. You can't be tracked by the app and the only way you can be contacted is through a notification on your phone.
If you're ever notified that you've been close to someone you'll be advised to self-isolate. You should do so of course, but the app has no way to force you to. It doesn't know who you are so can't tell anyone.

Please install it - the more who do the more successful it'll be.
You can follow @G4rve.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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