wow marvel movies was rly just propaganda for the intertwining of military w the tech industry huh

american exceptionalism was disguised as the ability to manifest as a new class with godlike powers received from its new ally – technology.
like it was straight up the beginning of the universe with iron man, a tech wizard who uses his abilities to execute the will of the government.
it was the start of captain america, transforming a blonde blue-eyed skinny loser with just the *right* personal beliefs into a mega buff hero bro who uses his abilities to execute the will of the government.
it was in ant-man, as a man coped with trauma + econ desperation through crime, then as redemption, uses his new tech abilities to execute the will of the government.
it was in black panther, where crime showed a need to protect ones own community, then relinquish that power to state regulation, which would be overseen by pan-africanism/black populism, all while using their new tech abilities to execute the will of the government.
obvious as fuck in captain marvel... basically just a mashup of the existing narrative circumstances with womanhood at the forefront, near the tail end of the mcu's "stage one", with her military devotion and new godlike powers to execute the will of the government.
it's so funny how they take captain america, drop him 80 years in the future, and expect everything to still make perfect sense. they said "hey buddy yeah nah what war crimes whos reagan also we didn't overreact to 9/11 what's that". let's just scrub that from history.
reminds me how religions and races get used to connect to cultural identity. as the communal extension of self-image.
inherent traits and beliefs to be protect.
beliefs which get protected by will of the evolving military/tech complex. protected by what's "right".

what's lawful.
a fever dream of an autonomous force that uses cartoon violence in lieu of PTSD-inducing gore to execute the will of the government.
a fictionalization of the violent upholding of neoliberalism.
speaking of, weird how the same year the four stage cycle of neoliberalism started showing its nasty side (2008), iron man dropped? now it's another recession and marvel nowhere to be found?
hypersaturating the media for a decade then ghosted cuz of the rona?
this is the same turbulence that traumatizes the masses into "restarting economies" when things get ugly, instead of abolishing it to have basic needs met. to support UBI instead of just decommodifying basic necessities.
idk the unabomber had a couple points and i'm real stoned lmao
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