For the people who think I’m “unreasonable” because I won’t vote for Joe Biden— here’s why I’m not a voter that can be “convinced” to vote for him [even if I ignore that he’s a lying racist rapist and warmonger]

A thread on the one time I broke my resolve and played y’alls game
As a shock to no one: Democrats are committed to non-change, but are insistent on becoming a party of, by, and for corporations and invasions. This was solidified for me in 2012—when I “sucked it up” and not only voted for Obama, but canvassed for him as well.
At the time, I was living, working, and going to school in Wisconsin (a “swing state”) and not a registered Democrat (this is important, since often people assume I am because I am Black and in the USA).

I didn’t believe that “change” could or would happen, due to his 1st term.
Back then, part of the only reason why I voted was because my supervisor (who is still one of the most loving people I know in WI) believed me when I said Obama had a high chance of losing to Romney in WI. She begged me to vote & get others too who felt the same way.
She was convinced, and told me that she believed Obama “would be more likely to take progressive executive actions in his second term.”

I was feeling adamant about voting in the general election due to Obama’s indefensible immigration policies
(which had an immediate impact in my life via parents. Mom’s green card was stolen and the citizenship process was *expensive* and hard). So I canvassed, and as suspected that race was close. As I also knew when Obama won, he didn’t do 💩 during his 2nd term.
So in 2015 when I said Trump would be the GOP nominee and in that case Clinton would lose, while people in Florida laughed at me (the new “swing state” that I’m living, working, and going to school in), I knew that I would not be registering as a Democrat and sucking 💩 up, bc
Clinton actively campaigned on the fact that progressive policies “would never come to pass,” and her not going to Wisconsin also signaled to me that the people I knew living and working there for progressive change would t get it either 🙃
Now in 2020 y’all coming with the same 💩 [🥵 embarrassing], and as before, my resolve is still the same (if not clearer). Here’s me buying into “lesser of two evil” politics 8 years ago; now ignoring y’all telling me to vote for someone even worse than back then 🥂
The *only people* I feel sorry for, are the working class Black and Central American people in Wisconsin who were also adamant about voting then, that I convinced to vote.
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