Abortion was politicized years after Roe because racist white evangelicals failed to codify the ability to keep Black kids out of their Christian schools.

So a few racist white men finally agreed to politicize abortion since misogyny still works astonishingly well.
early lit by abortion opponents, reveals blatantly misogynist, racist and antisemitic rhetoric. White men were afraid of immigrants and hated that white women could access abortion.
It's about more white babies--and killing Black women and children through high mortality rates! 🙃
Betsy DeVos is trying to take civil rights out of education...which would allow segregation that white evangelicals love...under the guise of "school choice"

They weaponized civil rights law Title IX & spread disinfo bc-surprise!-misogyny works well in politics & media here.
Congrats, your rapist apologism is helping the eradication of civil rights in schools! Conservatives played many of y'all like a fiddle lol
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