So ... Trump supporters ... not only did Donald Trump know from the beginning -- since January -- that the coronavirus was not just deadly but also airborne, he lied to you (non-believers don't listen to him. YOU do. And he endangered your lives deliberately. And there are tapes.
There are TAPES. He CALLED "Woodward and Bernstein" / Watergate Bob Woodward and TOLD him he was lying to you. "You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed," he told Woodward ... ON TAPE.
And then he went out there and said it was just a flu; he's mocked anyone who wore a mask to try and protect themselves, and holds rallies with you, and encouraged you to resist protecting yourselves with masks ... he literally endangered you ON PURPOSE. Again, there are TAPES.
The last trusted person connected in any way with this administration outside of The Faith, Anthony Fauci, clearly has no trust in Donald Trump's leadership. He knows Trump can't even pay attention in a meeting.
And then there is the mutual disrespect between Donald Trump and the very people who went to work for him, but who came to see him as dangerous and unfit for office. This includes "his generals" who Trump derides as "pu--ies," proving again that he doesn't respect the military.
Mattis, specifically, spelled out how dangerous he found Donald Trump to be. Trump's former DNI agrees.
I guess my question to Trump's remaining supporters is: at this point, what binds you to this man? It's you, primarily, whom he endangered, by lying to you about coronavirus and putting you in danger so that you could then put the rest of us in danger. Nearly 200,000 are dead.
He clearly has no respect for the lives of any Americans, including his own supporters. Is demographic panic and fear of a multicultural future THAT powerful? Because if so... well, wow. Michael Cohen says Trump ridicules his own Christian base. He lied about covid. What more??
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