“Personally, I think [CHINA] made a horrible mistake, and they didn’t want to admit it....They made a mistake, they tried to cover it, like a fire. They couldn’t put out the fire.”
@realDonaldTrump Fox News, May 3, 2020 https://twitter.com/abbydphillip/status/1303726149143597057
“It is clear to us that not only was there a failure by the World Health Organization to communicate to America and the world what was happening in China, but also that China was not as forthcoming as they should have been.”
@Mike_Pence, Fox News, April 19, 2020
“They knew. China could have spared the world a descent into global economic malaise. They had a choice but instead China covered up the outbreak in Wuhan. China is still refusing to share the information we need to keep people safe."
@SecPompeo, Press Conference, May 6, 2020
"Look, this was a virus that was unleashed by China. There was a cover up....This is a real problem and it cost many, many thousands of lives in America and around the world because the real information was not allowed to get out."
@robertcobrien CBS News, May 24, 2020
“Without commenting on any classified information, this much is painfully obvious: The Chinese Communist Party has lied, is lying, and will continue to lie about coronavirus to protect the regime.”
@BenSasse, circa March/April 2020
They lied to the world about the human-to-human transmission of the virus, silenced doctors and journalists who tried to report the truth, and are now apparently hiding the accurate number of people impacted by this disease"
@RepMcCaul circa March/April 2020
"China’s secrecy, deceptions, and cover-up allowed it to spread all over the world — 189 countries — and China must be held fully accountable."
@realDonaldTrump Salute to America speech, July 4, 2020
"We’re telling the truth every day of where the coronavirus came from, and the communist coverup of that virus."
@SecPompeo Family Leadership Summit, July 17, 2020
"This Chinese cover up of the Wuhan Virus is one of the most massive coverups I have ever seen....China, you had the information, you lied. You need to be held to account for this."
@MarshaBlackburn Fox News, April 21, 2020
"A combination of gross negligence and willful deception by the Chinese Communist Party led to this....We're going to seize assets of Chinese officials that a responsible for not reporting the pandemic."
@LindseyGrahamSC, Fox News, April 27, 2020
NRSC sent campaigns a memo by a top GOP strategist advising GOP candidates to address the coronavirus crisis by aggressively attacking China.

“Coronavirus was a Chinese hit-and-run followed by a cover-up that cost thousands of lives" April 17, 2020 https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/24/gop-memo-anti-china-coronavirus-207244
“The Chinese government lied to the world about the danger and contagious nature of COVID-19, silenced whistleblowers, and did little to stop the spread of the disease. They must be held accountable for their actions.”
@Eric_Schmitt, Republican AG, Missouri, April 21, 2020
"Wouldn’t you like to get to the heart of this and figure out what China did, what they knew, when they knew it and why they didn’t tell us? Don’t you think that’s important information for the American people to have?”
@Jim_Jordan COVID-19 subcommittee, May 21, 2020
“America has paid too-high a price for China’s lies. This subcommittee owes it to all of our frontline heroes to expose the truth and hold China accountable.”
@SteveScalise COVID-19 subcommittee, May 21, 2020
“We must hold China accountable. Mr. Chairman, this is the committee to find these answers. We’re supposed to look into it with a vigorous oversight, every aspect of this crisis."
@RepMarkGreen COVID-19 subcommittee, May 21, 2020
"The Chinese government sacrificed its own citizens, refusing to inform vulnerable people of the risk of human transmission and preventing them from protecting themselves when there was still time."
@SenThomTillis Plan to hold China Accountable, June 9, 2020
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