Julian Draxler and what he brings to the table.

He’s a good finisher:

Even tho he’s scored a total of 0 (ZERO) goals this season, you can expect great goals like this once every 22 games : https://twitter.com/calarsenal/status/898183546304700416
He’s versatile:

Draxler can play multiple positions and plays equally shitty in all of them so don’t be worried if he’s inconsistent when the coach changes his position or the formation.

He’s very friendly to the blickies in the squad.
Running Style:

Julian’s running style is unique. He runs like a wounded water buffalo and moves lightning slow. It’s all good tho. Just don’t pass any through balls to him

He either dresses like a Mormon or a freshman at an American high school
Old relationships:

He’s already good friends with that Bosnian LB. The one who stops robberies. I forgot his name ffs

Always dead wallah.
Injury record:

Always gets injured at the oddest times. For example the end of a game we’re losing 6-2 in or sumn. It’s like he just gives up.

He lives off that ONE goal against Barca. https://twitter.com/draxler_fans/status/831616182306353152

She’s the only good thing about him.

Do you like stepovers? Do you like passes all the way back to your goalkeeper? Because that’s literally all he fucking does. https://twitter.com/psgfans18/status/980403535862009856
Anyways. End of thread. Arsenal have a baller if they sign him.

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