On 1 September 2020, @MikhailaAleksis interviewed @cvaldary on her podcast regarding Chloe’s creation, the Theory of Enchantment, which is an anti-racism program based on teaching love and compassion as opposed to guilt and revenge. This thread is my review of the conversation.
Mikhaila, like me, is suspicious of anyone in 2020 promoting “anti-racism” or “diversity” programs. It was therefore a welcome surprise when Chloe articulated the root problem with most “anti-racist” movements better than I had ever before heard it described.
Chloe said that actual racism, like most forms of extremism, is usually an over-reaction to feelings of personal insufficiency. If I see myself as being in a low place in the world, I can raise myself up by putting a group of people even further below me.
The problem with most anti-racism rhetoric is that it throws fuel onto this fire by advancing a negative message of guilt and self-loathing, telling people they are worse than they could have even been aware of. Most people ignore such a message, some submit
to it (to the detriment of their mental health), and then some others fight back against it by becoming actual racists even if they had not previously had any race-based hatred towards anyone. Such training actually *creates* racists!
The approach of the Theory of Enchantment is entirely different. Chloe is a student of #Stoicism, and as such rejects the value of a victimhood mindset or revenge for wrongs of the past. She looks instead to cultivate one’s capacities for love and empathy
to create a better future. Here are some Quick Hits from Chloe:

- You should only give criticism to another person when the goal is to help them. You have to show that you value you them before they will listen to you. Your criticism should aim to uplift and empower.
- Remember that when someone “goes off,” the source of that outburst is often a problem in their personal life, and may only be mildly related to you or the topic you were discussing.

- Racism is overcome by uniting people, not by force-feeding them the poison of self-contempt.
- The book White Fragility is an “ironically narcissistic” work, and counterproductive to improving race relations.

- Respect for every human being *as* an individual human being (not as a race, gender, etc) and actively engaging in community with them is the antidote to hate.
The Theory of Enchantment is currently being purchased for use by corporations, high schools, and individuals. I highly recommend that anyone who is required to make a purchase of this kind for their organization take a good look at Chloe’s work.
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