I am fed up of those that say the EU is not acting in bad faith. Here it is offering a deal that was never taken off the table, now anyone that says why we can’t have that, you will have to explain. Fishing, is not an issue! Mutual regulation, is not an issue! The EU is the issue
The UK’s redlines were known to the EU, they knew that we would not budge on fishing or given them control of our laws and 100% not agree to be regulated by the ECJ so why are they asking for it now? Desperation. They are desperate. Acting in bad faith becaue of it.
Merkel trying to keep her composure while stating that we were already competitors, but now we will be different competitors, come on what she is saying here is gibberish. She knows that the UK unleashed from the shackles of the EU is going to thrive.
@TiceRichard here is spot on as he calls the flaws in the EUs position, and we should do all we can to make sure that we play the strong hand we have. To those that want the EU to suffer, and don’t want to accept we have a strong hand, don’t reply.
To end this tweet, I just want to add a couple of video's to show you how irrelevant the SNP should be in Scotland - stop voting for a single issue party! You are ruining people's lives.

1. Sturgeon can't answer when they knew about the care home issue (Twice as many deaths)
2. Andrew Neil higlights the ridiculous position of the SNP wanting a law to protect the NHS from Trump"

"They should have a law to protect it from you"

Brilliant quote (and factual).
Lastly, the LOTO looking stupid when it comes to workers rights, after saying that the government only wanted to lower/remove them he is forced into saying that Labour would never do that, and that the government would not do it either... So, basically forced to say he lied.
In Summary, those saying the EU is acting reasonable are remainers, those that are being honest and accept the legislation that "worries" the EU are moderates that are interested in the best for the UK.

Normally I encourage debate, but I have a chest infection so just insult me.
Oh, and I forgot - If you are crying morning and night over a democratic decision you don't like. Please seek professional help, you clearly need it. This is not normal, I did not cry for 13 years as Labour ruined the country.
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