Murphy was a active duty marine; FBI Special Agent; volunteered to be reactivated and served in Iraq; has a MA in islamic studies; and was most of the way to finishing a PhD in Executive Branch responsibility to defend against RU Disinfo. Transferred to DHS in 2018,
In October, 2018 he was ORDERED by his superiors to produce reports claiming (falsely) that known or suspected terrorists were coming over the Southern Border. He declined, explaining that manipulation of that sort was a felony.
Despite the fact that Murphy told Nielsen and other Dept. Heads that there was no evidence for terrorists coming over the southern border, Nielsen testified that it was true to Congress and DHS produced a false report to support it.
March, 2019, Sec Nielsen was again getting ready to testify to Congress, Murphy told her that MAX number of terrorists over the border was *3* but she had testified to 3,755. The 3 weren't even confirmed. Murphy kicked out of meeting. NIELSEN ALLOWED THE LIE TO STAND.
As these events unfolded, Murphy began to hear rumors that he was being fired.
In December, 2019, Murphy attended meeting with his direct, supportive boss Glawe and complete Dbag and worst person Ken Cuccinelli. Cuccinelli demanded changes to intelligence reports and accused "deep state intelligence analysts" of trying to hurt Trump.
Cuccinelli ordered Murphy and Glawe to fire or reassign the "deep state" analysts. They both agreed that this was a crime and abuse of power and refused to carry out the order.
Now we get to the people that tried to suppress intelligence on the Russian attack on the US: Sec. Nielsen, Wolf, Cuccinelli, Taylor, and Acting Deputy Dir. DNI Kash Patel.
Murphy's boss Glawe testified to Congress about Russian interference; was challenged by House Rs; threatened with firing by Nielsen, summoned to the WH; and came back to say Murphy "was on his own when it came to election interference assessments." Glawe subsequently retired.
In May, 2020 Wolf (currently acting DHS Secretary) ORDERED Murphy to stop providing assessments of Russian interference. Murphy refused as following the order "would put the country in substantial and specific danger."
On July 7, 2020, DHS Chief of Staff Goutanis again ordered him to stop disseminating RU interference info because "it made the President look bad." Murphy refused, noting that that was improper. Wolf "took steps to exclude Mr. Murphy from relevant future meetings on the subject"
In March 2020, Murphy's team completed the Homeland Threat Assessment (there's been a lot of speculation about where/why this was buried, now we know) - it went to Wolf, Cuccinelli and Goutanis. Word came back that further distribution WAS PROHIBITED.
The two sections that would reflect badly on Trump?

White Supremacy

Russian influence.
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