I’m so over this piece of shit, son of a bitch, mother fucker @realDonaldTrump I’ve tried to keep things in perspective about his narcissism, his lack of empathy, incompetence and criminality, looking forward to the 2020 election. But, I’m done, I’m pissed. Fuck you Donald Trump
Fuck you and your entire administration. Those that are still there, those that have left, you each are responsible for this. And the GOP for never having the courage or backbone or the Patriotism to stand up to this filthy piece of shit bully who has degraded our country
from the start of this administration. You have failed miserably. Your have failed your country but worse of all you have failed yourselves. You have no integrity, no soul and you should go down with his ship and rot with the stench of the failures of @realDonaldTrump
You are ALL disgraceful. People have died, the economy has suffered, businesses have fallen apart, kids can’t be in school and everyone’s life has been put on hold because all of you allowed this POS to run his fucking mouth, ignore science and LIE again and again.
@realDonaldTrump FUCK YOU and your criminal enterprise on my country. Bring it MAGATs. Fuck you too! And ban me if you need to, Twitter.
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