Ok so for the longest time the Libertarian Party promoted heavily to the paleocon Buchannanite type Republicans in the GOP and afterwards to the Ron Paul Republicans. Unfortunately, large swaths of these groups had bigoted opinions, like I did when I started looking at liberty.
Even more unfortunate is the fact that the Libertarian messaging of the time was, "yes racism is bad but it's a liberty". While this is technically true the movement made no attempt to even push back against racist infiltration and thus our open borders, progressive movement...
became a hotbed of irrational and repugnant bigotry. We still have lots of work to do in this regard. Now here comes the point of this tweet storm. There has been this phenomena among alt-right and right wing "libertarians" who claim that people calling them bigoted and...
alt-right actually made them alt-right. That is nowhere near the case. It was their pre-held bigotries and phobias that have continued to stick around because we told them it was perfectly fine, normal, and ok to have these opinions. They're just different cultural preferences
So no, progressive libertarians didn't make you alt-right you cowards. You were always just the loser.
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