1/ 1. “Relevant options” vague. But likely to mean considering appealing decision (given does not think acted appropriately).
2. Decision to appeal could be lengthy / expensive. MA will take advice from his lawyers & counsel, usually in writing. https://twitter.com/nufc/status/1303768106876231688
3. MA is not a traditional business man. We know this. If he wants to appeal this decision, against lawyers advice, I believe he will.
4. His lawyers are considered in the profession to be extremely aggressive litigators.
5. Obvs plenty has gone on behind the scene, but this confirms ‘autonomy’ of SA is the issue. Not piracy / BeIN.
6. Autonomy of state will make for a very wide & complex legal argument, but one where you feel those appealing could make strong arguments.
7. An Appeal would force more info from the PL as to how this standalone issue causes failure of O&D test And on what grounds that decision was ultimately made, reasons for the delays & the documents provided.
8. This process will expose truths, about how the parties acted,
5/ & those involved throughout. It will shed some light on objections raised, & weight afforded to those objections.
9. It ultimately could embarrass the PL.
10. I reckon, MA might just go for it on that basis alone.... 👀
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