Q7. How do you carve out space for yourself when most universities don't even have disability studies minors, let alone whole departments or designated professors?

#DisChat with @AngharadBeckett and @MrJasonOlsen
A7 I think it is really about finding your niche and your tribe. It’s not easy. Especially, when many of your colleagues may also have disabilities & are fighting their own fights to complete tasks & remain included. 1/5 #DisChat
A7 I HATE to say networking is important, so I won’t. My time in DC made me realise networking is about using other people for what they can give you. Instead, I would say make friendships with people you truly respect and admire. 2/5 #DisChat
A7 I HATE to say networking is important, so I won’t. My time in DC made me realise networking is about using other people for what they can give you. Instead, I would say make friendships with people you truly respect and admire. 2/5 #DisChat
A7 As an academic I’ve met great people who make great friends. A few you may want to follow are @gorettihorgan @annmgray @MiroGriffiths @AngharadBeckett @BarefootJakki @ballyaltonboy @RebeccaPorter_ @ASoorenian @castleDD @C_Fitz_ 3/5 #DisChat
A7 Through meetings, conferences, and even twitter I’ve also been very impressed with… @PilsonAnna @PA_PetraAnders @HannahPopsy @christheowl @JuliaBahner @drlucymichael @KirstyLiddiard1 @emmaondr @EmmaEPartlow 4/5 #DisChat
A7 Through meetings, conferences, and even twitter I’ve also been very impressed with… @DrEmmaCroft @LizEllisPhD @jenslater_ @LeahFBurch @BeresfordPeter @edmund_cf @SalWitcher @ruthpatrick0 @DrSharonEWright @HannahnagroM 5/5 #DisChat
You can follow @MrJasonOlsen.
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