1/It may seem contradictory that I condemn the Australian government's clumsy & aggressive approach to China & urge more conciliatory tactics. It's because all we're doing is cutting our own throats. Scummo doesn't care about the CCP's totalitarianism or its human rights record.
2/If I knew our government was decent & humanitarian, I might say: Come on! Stick it up the CCP and damn the economic consequences! Oh, it'd hurt us more than now, but we wouldn't be alone. Of course, this is the activist, not the realist speaking.
3/But under the Morrison regime I have to urge caution. When the chickens come home to roost, Scummo won't take responsibility. He never does. It's happening already - Australia's sliding into recession and he's blaming Victorian Labor, for crying out loud.
4/One day I hope we'll have a government brave enough to call out the CCP w/out the double standard of borrowing from the CCP playbook. But that's the activist - or the idealist - speaking again. It's hard to be optimistic & it doesn't help that Australia's run by idiots. #auspol
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