How to tell of your cat is pregnant, step one: is she shitting out kittens all over your livingroom?
Oh gosh, look at this little gremlin.
Me: I set up boxes all around the house so you can find a comfy one to have kittens in.

Cat: Fuck it. I'll just shit one out on the recliner, leave it there, and hide in this box.
Wrong picture with last tweet. Here's the box she's hiding in (behind the recliner).
I put a box (and a bunch of towels) on the recliner. The box is full of old shirts. Thanks @DuluthTradingCo for the box.
Ok, she's out of the box, looking uncomfortable, and I think the next shitten is on the way soon.
Current view from the recliner
She's hitching and heaving, new kitten is mewing, Cadillac is curious, and my carpet needs to be vacuumed.

Duluth Trading box status: currently unoccupied.
Mom trying really hard to find a spot on the recliner that isn't covered by blankets/towels to crap this one out. Is it supposed to look like a water balloon?
Second cat/xenomorph is out, and the cleaning process has commenced.
My livingroom right now
For a second I thought there was a third one, but it was just #2 hanging out of mom like someone trying to haul lumber in a hatchback while she runs around the recliner looking for a spot that isn't covered with towels.
Max is supervising and she's in this box with #2. See the logo on the shirt in the bottom of the box? Got that shirt when I worked at Arctic Cat. Ironic that I work at Polaris now.
Put #1 in the box with mom since they seemed cold (I turned up the thermostat since it's 54F outside rn). Max is still supervising.
Put a heating pad under the towels in the middle of the recliner, and put the box with Rusty and the new shittens on top of it.

Got home from work and thought I heard a kitteh mewing by the couch. Checked and mom was in her box with the two from yesterday. Looked by couch and found a very cold baby kitteh! Her cord was tangled with a backpack strap! Used my side cutter to free her.
Found the other poor baby in a cold corner by a window. White one welas responsive right away and crying. The one in the cold corner... thought she was dead at first. Warming them up now.

I'm such a bad cat dad.😣 I shouldn't have gone to work!😭😭😭😭
Heating pad under the box, mom in the box with them, and they all look like they're doing well. Now I'm searching the house top to bottom, starting with all the places Rusty likes to hide. I'm so afraid I missed one.
The kitteh beans all seem to be doing ok.
Bebe kitteh status: all attached to momma.

Momma kitteh status: hanging on to the side of the box.

Heating pad on low, some blankets on that, box on top of blankets, several old shirts lining the bottom of the box. Towel covering about 1/3 of the box for privacy/warmth.
So what I'm saying is she has floor heat and a roof over her head. ... and several screaming kittens every time she moves.
Kitten update: This is right before I left for work about an hour ago. All 4 look like they're doing well.
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