I would like to touch on a major topic, one of which people have used against the @OfficialPDPNig of @GEJonathan which is the amnesty of Niger Delta militants and the enrichment of Niger Delta people. A very touchy issue but I will try to explain based on what I know.
The amnesty for Niger Delta Militants was not a call made by @GEJonathan , it had been in the works long before him. Long story short, it was Yaradua who issued an ultimatum for Militants to accept amnesty or face the wrath and the Militants choose the path of amnesty.
Kindly note that the rebellion against the federal govt as regards the neglect of the people and exploration of crude oil didn't start with @GEJonathan or @OfficialPDPNig , it started long before the civil war, if the name Adaka Boro rings a bell, then you will know.
Adaka Boro was a student activist who led armed resistance against the govt in the early times of Nigeria's independence based on the fact that the benefits of the oil exploration didn't benefit the community on whose land the crude oil was being drilled.
As usual, his resistance was met with heavier force and he had to retreat, surrender and was arrested. Fast forward, we shouldn't forget the issue of Ken Saro wiwa and others who were incarcerated for protesting the damage to their environment by mega oil companies in Nigeria
Once again, their protestations were met with injustice. The resistance of the Niger Delta Militants was one that cannot be faulted, when all lines of negotiations for a good life is met witj brutish force, the people are forced to react. Hence the militancy...
The Niger Delta militancy was a call for the Nigerian government to realize that the people of the region are also Nigerians and deserve the right to live and not to die of pollution's from oil spillage- anyone who has seen how devastating oil spillage is, will pity N Delta peeps
So a Northerner named Yaradua actuated a peace deal and offered amnesty, unfortunately he died while still in office. Now, before we make claims that @GEJonathan was responsible for enriching the militants, let us note that militants were being used for bunkering...
And anyone who knows what bunkering is, will know it is a well paying job. There are many billionaires in Nigerian politics today whose main source of wealth is bunkering and it was many of these people that some of these militants worked for before @GEJonathan even came to power
After the peace deal and amnesty, many of these guys who felt they weren't getting enough, decided to become Bunkering overlords themselves. They knew the routes and how it worked, so one thing was left, the connects in govt circles to evade authorities.
Nigeria being what it is, the moment @GEJonathan became president, it was believed that his people and anyone from his region were his brothers and the urge not to offend powers that be led many to cut corners and deals with these deviants but who got the blame? @GEJonathan
To be continued
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