Bi and lesbian are both whole identities. Being bi is as defined by attraction to men as being a lesbian is defined by lack of attraction to men. Bi isn’t the lesbian reject pile.
If someone is unsure if they like men, it’s their business and no one else’s how they identify. Labels aren’t diagnoses and aren’t set in stone. They’re an individual’s way to communicate who they are and how they want to be seen by the world, and no one else gets to decide that
People not believing you when you say who you are is because of their own bigotry and entitlement. It’s not fair to pin that problem on other marginalized people just trying to figure themselves out
To stop being vague, lesbians who identify with some fluidity are not your enemy. If someone defines themself as being only attracted to women, and communicates that via IDing as lesbian but thinks they could have fragments of attraction to men, you should listen and believe them
I personally find it weird and uncomfortable that some of you think it’s appropriate to push bisexuality onto people who have essentially stated that they don’t believe they are defined by attraction men and don’t want to be perceived as attracted to men
You don’t know what someone else’s life experiences are or why they identify the way they do. Everyone, EVERYONE can mind their own goddamn business and believe people for how they identify thanks
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