i know 2020 hasn't been great but tbh it lowkey also gave me the room to get my life together 😭
a progress report: i got to spend all summer with @chariotdunord 💕💕 we bought scooters and nintendo switches together. we did whatever we could to enjoy our tome together. they also helped me take control of my finances and now i've consistently had 1K+ in my savings
i no longer live paycheck to paycheck. i was able to afford a new laptop and a new camera, a nintendo switch, games, streaming equipment, and lots of furniture for my room.
staying at home a lot also made me realize the vast changes i wanted to make with my room. now i've nearly cleaned up all my clutter and bought so many things to make my room my new safe haven (and a pretty cute filming and photo spot)
i used to be such a packrat but now that everything has its place, I tend to do the little things like make my bed in the morning to have something nice to come home to. or just putting things away or in the trash instead of leaving them out.
having everything in my room organized and having a desk as a space to work in made me want to be more organized in general. i started physically writing things down to remember to do them (instead of in my phone) and now I have a planner where I schedule my whole day
having my to do list planned makes it easier for me to manage my time and make sure I get everything I need to work on worked on. then it made me realize I want to get this in control of my diet as well.
i've started committing to meal times and reducing portions and I'm slowly easing into a diet that will better my life and hopefully help me lose weight. i've even paired up with a friend as support so we are in it together and will be exercising together!
i've also talked to national recoveries about the final steps in taking my student loans out of default so I can receive financial aid again. I'll be able to once again go to school without paying a dime out of pocket (which I have been the last two semesters)
Not to mention Mystiq Wish has been so amazing so far. We've made so much progress that we're ahead of the game. we have a song recorded & mixed, waiting to film, another cover we're planning to film, and a song in the works, on top of the success of our dream party vid
Like I know things haven't been great either. I've gone through many mental breakdowns (and I don't mean that lightly), but also just having my friends there for me in so many ways has helped me get through it all. I couldn't ask for a better support system.
every time something happens, things keep turning back around. i hope to continue on this path and keep moving forward 💕
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