I'm no conspiracy theory guy. I generally think the simplest explanation is most often the right one. But for some reason, I can't help but think that all that hydrogen hype is about keeping the same fossil fuel supply model just replacing gas stations with hydrogen fuel stations
I'm pro-EV for the positive impact on reducing emissions, but it's not just that. I like the fact that I control, to a small degree, how I power my own transportation. You can get it from hydropower, solar, wind power. You can get it from a utility or try to produce yourself.
Even if you were to take away all the efficiency issues related to hydrogen/fuel cells, which had so many steps and middlemen, I'd still prefer battery-electric vehicles because I have more control over how to power it.
I have a feeling that I'm not alone with this sentiment in the EV community, which I think might explain why you see a pushback against fuel cells within EV fans despite hydrogen being somewhat of a clean tech.
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