🤔 Advice from the Community 🤔

I asked your favourite #FPLCommunity members and content creators what they would give as their 1 piece of advice for a successful FPL season!

They are all shown below, with links to their pages đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

Enjoy, follow all and Retweet #FPL

Don't beat yourself up if a good decision has a bad outcome. Captaincy is a good example of this. Football is unpredictable. Reflect on what you did before the deadline, not what happened after it đź‘Š

"I've messed up so many picks for years overvaluing how FPL twitter things about players and captains. I need to be better about how I think about things and my own conclusions from my own analysis. Always value your own thinking above anything else."

"If you have a strong feeling about a player, don't hesitate: bring him in right away. The biggest gains in fantasy often come from having a great asset an extra week or two more than more cautious managers (see: Teemu Pukki in GW2 last season)
@FPLFamily (Lee)

Tip for the season: take more (educated) risks. Not Hail Mary’s, but if I spot some form on a low ownership player that has a good FPL track record - go early.
From @RamboFYI

A tried and tested method...

“Never lose faith in Ings”

When Mané isn’t playing buy Salah and captain Salah. The Egyptian scored 73 points in 5 games without Mané! Averaging almost 15 points per game.
@FPLFamily (Sam over on Insta)

Don’t stick with players who go out of form just because their fixtures are nice - when the run stops get off quickly and give yourself an advantage.

I would advise people to not be scared of promoted teams. They often start very strong and then fall of a cliff towards the latter stages. Possibly because the PL teams don’t scout them well enough. They also always have cheap assets to take advantage of!

I would hold free transfers until late in the GW this season on account of Covid, it’ll make things very unpredictable. There are times when things will be extremely tough, but you are tougher! & the good times will be even sweeter if you keep your chin up & have fun💖

Every missed opportunity presents a different one, therefore don't beat yourself up if you miss something. An example - Salah hauled gw34, Sterling hauled vs Brighton gw35. You may have missed Salah haul but did Salah owners sell him for Sterling? Unlikely.

Get the captaincy decision consistently right. As FPL grows, those top finishes get even more competitive and decent armband returns can be the difference between an acceptable top 100k and a coveted top 10k finish!

If you feel strongly about something, try not always be passive with the “wait & see” approach. Get in early, and if it succeeds and others join you.. double/triple down on that conviction to maintain the advantage you’ve gained.

Don't be disheartened by bad outcomes made by good decisions. If you keep making good decisions you will come out on top. Don't make knee jerk decisions emotionally after a bad gameweek. Calm down and think with a cool head. You will make better decisions this way.

My top tip would be to not take to many hits during the season and wait nearer to the deadline to make a transfer. Patience is key. đź‘Ť

Have a Balanced team There's always temptation to squeeze in all the big hitters and fill the rest of your squad with players from the Los Pollos Hermanos bargain bucket
In my experience, having fewer big hitters for a better overall squad is a better strategy

Avoid playing chips in a normal Gameweek.

Identify when a double or blank could arise and play your chips accordingly.

I will only play my Bench boost when both of my keepers have 2 fixtures each.

A simple but effective strategy from James at Planet FPL! His advice to you is...

“Buy Trent. Keep Trent. Captain Trent when the time is right”

Don’t be stubborn. Never miss an opportunity to learn from other good managers and adapt their ideas to fit and improve your own playing style.

FPL no longer rewards heroes - play safe. As boring as it sounds the obvious move is probably right. Your team is a differential in itself and there's no need to make moves for the sake of it. Allow others around you to do that and you'll see a steady rise over time

“The first question I always ask myself at the start of a season it which team(s) I expect to improve from last season. THIS is where you will find value in players perhaps underpriced
Finally from myself, @FPLTIPZ

There are plenty of interesting tips and tricks above. I’d summarise by saying have fun and play your own game.

Everyone plays differently and there is no correct way to do it. It is a game and can be stressful. So try to switch off some times!
You can follow @FPLTIPZ.
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