Latinos have indigenous claims to the Americas, to include the southwestern corner of the United States. But we're treated as immigrants here & our persecution by the US govt is often perceived as justified.

This is why I left the 2-party nonsense. This is why I'm libertarian.
I was a registered Republican, but I found myself trying to fit into their mold. I found myself looking at the Latino people through THEIR lens.

There is no changing them because there is no changing the Democrats. And Democrats use us as pawns, which Republicans despise.
My job for the coming years is to try and make this abundantly clear to Latinos. Neither political party has our interest at heart. They only have theirs. You can't expect true "compassion" from them when it's tainted by their lust for power. It's no one's job but OURS to be free
And no, I don't want any form of reparations. I don't want to demonize any race of people. I simply want liberty & JUSTICE for all. I want to limit & decentralize power wherever possible so that communities have all the power to lead as they see fit.
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