I realize they have no other argument - but to be clear we have had pandemic plans for 15 yrs. They’ve been updated multiple times & exercised in this Administration...communications is always addressed as a key objective. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-strategy-2005.pdf
The first pillar in the 2005 doc is “Preparedness and Communication” In Jan and Feb - we should have been following that playbook: “A critical element of pandemic planning is ensuring that people and entities not accustomed to responding to health crises understand the actions...
... and priorities required to prepare for and respond to a pandemic. Those groups include political leadership at all levels of government, non-health components of government and members of the private sector. ...
-Work to ensure clear, effective & coord. risk communication, domestically & internationally, b/f & during a pandemic....identifying credible spokespersons at all levels of government to effectively coordinate & communicate helpful, informative messages in a timely manner.
Don’t like a 2005 doc? How about one issued by this President? The 2018 Biodefense Strategy. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/National-Biodefense-Strategy.pdf
Goal 3, Obj 3.4: Develop, exercise, and update risk communication plans and promote consistent messaging to inform key audiences, expedite desired response actions, and address public uncertainty and fear.
3.4.1 - Develop a government-wide strategy that institutionalizes the use of risk communication
principles to provide clear, consistent, and coordinated information.
What’s the point? Comms & security experts in govnt know how to not panic the public while providing clear, consistent, & coordinated info for preparedness & mitigation. Even if you buy his argument “he didn’t want to panic the public”...he should have relied on the experts.
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