Someone got killed at this RR crossing the other day. It has always been a very dangerous area with consistent wrecks, the business to the east regularly finds crashed cars in their parking lot or yard. Its a deadly combo of RR crossing, hill, curve, no sidewalk &
long stretch of street that Indy drivers love to go 40-50mph.
Of course the orange cones to the south are damaged from cars launching over the hill.
View traveling west. This is where you can't see the bend over the hill and cars launch going 40
If drivers are able to stick the landing and stay on the road, they have a hill to build up speed driving into @CottageHomeIndy
Where they can choose to stop, or not, at a special optional Stop sign. The stop signs in @CottageHomeIndy are often treated as optional, I don't know what to do about that except keep yelling at drivers.
I understand fixing it would take city $$. I reject the claim that there is no extra $$ for actual public safety. Hopefully the city will take a real look at this & not enact a 1/2 measure
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