The Covid Reactions, Group A - G thread. Which one are you? Group A, the first group. Despite coronavirus being in animals,and in rare cases infecting humans before,the first group denied the existence of covid from the start,convinced of a world wide plot.
Group B, Religious groups told they either couldn't catch it,they were protected or that it was a plot against their religion,they met in large religious & family groups,dying as a result.
Group C, In order to complete a lockdown government met with telecoms,asking for lines to be installed,repaired for shielded/work from home,so the country could deal with so many online/using phones,they agreed,the added workers led to 5G theorists of Group C
Group D, Having to avoid postmortem (lack of resources/time) upset many, meaning as in middle eastern countries with viruses bodies were marked as covid as a precaution,this triggered group D into believing the risk was not high,faked,added to for political power over people.
Group E, When figures dropped, group E wanted society back to normal,wanted it all over, struggled with imposed rules still present and and the bias of groups/protest meeting. Began to struggle with the seemingly life changes covid brought.
Group F, Group F was/ is those who do not care if they catch it,they have struggled since the start and the restrictions have stopped medical/mental care. They either want to fight,or give up completely. Suicide in this group has occurred.
Group G, The science group, those who have had enough but want to find a route that protects all and ends covid, they are still researching,still trying to find a one size fits all solution,still trying to educate others on covid.
Final. Everyone has been through an immense amount. A pandemic on this scale in a free world is alien,everyone wants it over. The pressure everyone has been under and yet, we still fight for freedom, shows,we will beat covid yet,even if for a while our freedom is less.
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