First, why the hell is Trump interviewing with Bob Woodward?

Secondly, there's nothing shocking in that tape. It's totally normal to play something down so they don't create a panic. Hell, Bush didn't leave a kindergarten classroom when he heard the country was under attack
This quite normal for politicians and the media to underplay a crisis as to not cause a panic. From my book (pg. 55), MSNBC's Ali Velshi use to examine the words he used in 2008 during production meetings to minimalize the severity of the collapsing market.
Lastly, I'm not undermining the coronavirus or how serious it can be some people nor am I making light of the 190k ppl who died... but estimates from the media had as many as 25% of the US population dying of COVID. I heard the 2 million number constantly from experts
shouldn't we look at the advances that have happened, realize we're at 10% of the original estimates and realize that while it wasn't handled perfectly by any stretch of the imagination... none of the worst case scenarios came true?
Experts told us don't wear masks, Democrats said stopping flights from China was racist, my mayor encouraged mass gatherings into March, my governor killed 6,000+ senior citizens... we all need to get a massive fucking grip and stop politicizing everything.
One last point. I'm not attacking Fauci, I'm sure he, like almost every one else is doing the best job in a tough situation. I'm criticizing the idol worship from the left.
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