Report by Probyn Miers into the Richmond House fire in Worcester Park shows fire was able to spread through 16cm gap filled with highly combustible timber battens behind external wall as cavity barriers were too small and contributed nothing to prevent the spread of flame
At the roof level, a solid plastic strip melted and burnt away and no cavity barriers at all were present allowing fire to burn through the timber roof.

Block owned by Metropolitan Thames Valley and built by Berkeley Group subsidiary.
Cavity barrier issues a massive issue in the industry and this starkly shows why getting them wrong can be so dangerous, especially in a building which uses timber. Was a very narrow escape for residents:
Residents - 60 still homeless including 17 children - have made a submission to government for greater accountability for developers who make this sort of mistake in Building Safety legislation. Call for "real financial consequences" which cover cost of remediation
Also note: this building below 11m so completely outside of scope of current safety programme. Residents also call for that to change, saying bill needs "“an increase in scope to cover all innocent leasehold victims"
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