Not circulating around the classroom is hard. Here's what I've been doing instead (a thread):

-Question a *lot*; both via cold calling of individual students & by choral response.
-While the students are doing a task, I do it with them. Live & on the board. 1/n
I've found that my teacher exposition part of the lesson is pretty similar to how it was pre-Covid.

I can explain stuff.

I can question to check for understanding.

However, checking for understanding is *even* more important than previously 2/n
So I'm being even more meticulous. Asking more questions. Not letting incorrect answers slip.

After my exposition, I usually get students to independently practise work. But it's even more important to not let them start until you're *sure* that they have got the concept 3/n
The tricky part for me has been what to do while the students are completing a task.

I'd usually circulate. Usually live mark. And usually give one on one hints.

We can't do that any more. 4/n
So instead, I'm doing the work alongside *with* the students (at a slightly delayed pace).

I write answers to each question up in full on the whiteboard.

I encourage students to check every now & then. To look at my model answers. To lay questions out in a similar way. 5/n
To remember to show working & to remember units (and all of the million things that we'd say while circulating).

So far it's been working well. Students know what they're supposed to be doing & any that are struggling can look to the board for support. 6/n
This is obviously quite a simple technique, but it has given me a really valuable replacement to live marking.

I'd still me interested in what others are doing though...let me know! n/n
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