I absolutely believe Covid-related mental health concerns are valid,but I'm real tired of people using it as a quick one-liner to justify opening the economy and returning things to "normal" when the same people don't want to have bigger conversations about mental health.(Thread)
If mental health was really a priority, I'm not sure why I don't see the same people advocating for accessible, ongoing supports to people who are struggling.
Especially low-income and marginalized people who bear the brunt of working through the pandemic and earning minimum wage to keep the economy going, as though earning enough money to simply survive is the answer to mental health struggles they may be facing.
Never mind that there's no safety net for the same people if they become sick and can't work, or have to stay home with a sick child. Now that things are reopening, I haven't heard much concern expressed for the stress-related mental health issues that will arise from that.
This issue far predates the pandemic. Interesting that people are suddenly so passionate about it now when they can use it as a convenient cover for their own interests and comfort.
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