🤔 vent: the biggest painpoint for me as a newsletter writer is community.

IMO, no product is doing this well.

what if we were able to have discussions in newsletters in-line like we do in Google docs?

why is long-form content and the discussions around them bifurcated? 👇
1) Right now the discussions around newsletters are happening elsewhere / not in the newsletter (i.e. reddit, clubhouse, etc. Discussion groups on @eugenewei
's SaaS and TikTok posts or @Alex_Danco
's digital gifting posts are separate from the post itself)
2)Dream experience: You can see highlights of certain passages / paragraph and jump into chat UI conversations attributed to that specific section or sentence. Kind of like Google Docs in-line comments.
3) At the end of the newsletter - the author can prompt the reader with questions that everyone can pile onto and talk about. Like bringing college discussions / book clubs to articles/newsletters in real-time.
4)Furthermore, conversation on the article/newsletters should be a living and breathing piece of content that I can refer back to in 5 yrs. I would be able to see a timeline of thoughtful conversation and continue to add my thoughts.
5) If you have thoughts/are building this/want to build this - DM me! đź“©
You can follow @_patriciamou.
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