another, shorter thread on teaching against racism for #ScholarStrike

. @ProfIRMF and @mpgPhD both write a lot about race and racialization, but we want our contributions to focus on folks WE learn from and the resources they've curated

a quick & incomplete list:
on our upcoming episode about race and religion in the US, we recommend @TiaPhD's #BlackCatholicsSyllabus

side note: @mpgPhD spoilered the heck out of that episode yesterday

AND gave y'all a rough timeline of racialization in what's now the US

final syllabus of this roundup:

the Islamophobia Is Racism syllabus, curated by @DrSuad, @ZareenaGrewal, Arshad Ali, Evelyn Alsultany, Sohail Daulatzai, Lara Deeb, Carol Fadda, Juliane Hammer, Nadine Naber, and Junaid Rana

if you're thinking about race and pedagogy, you should also know about @seedpods


(he's got some excellent scholarship as well; @mpgPhD is using his "Scared Sheetless" in #NUcults) 
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