Oh boi, it's that time of the week again! Re:Zero discussion/notice thread about characters/moments/and maybe some theories! Also, everyone should check out @standed_a, man was able to even figure out that Ryuzu are the eyes of the sanctuary! 10/10 theory! https://twitter.com/standed_a/status/1303421498875551744
Aight, so first thing I want to do is review Emilia, cause of course. Her character here is excellent, and also ironic. Unlike every other time, Emilia did NOT break down after reviving this time. Why is that? It's because Subaru was crying, because someone else NEEDED her.
She didn't calm herself, but rather focused on helping someone else even before herself. She put a mask to conceal her weakness because it was needed for her, I think. Which makes her next response so ironic, yet also so satisfying
Emilia says she won't hate Subaru for his weakness because she herself is very knowledgeable of how that strength is also a mask to hide the weakness. She can't hate him for his weakness because she also hides that same weakness. Remember Melakuera saying her existence is a sin?
One thing I was annoyed with was this translation. It's small, but any Fate fan can hear the "Mikata," meaning ally or defender. I felt like it was Subaru's statement of them being equals, with him protecting her weakness similar to how she protects his. Again, my interpretation.
It felt like Subaru was doing the exact same thing Emilia did in the Sanctuary, knowing his own weakness but putting it aside in order to help the one he cares about
Alright, time to talk about what the HELL is going on with Ryuzu. My previous theory is feeling a lot more accurate about how Echidna desires to come back to life, not so humble brag, and this is how. She's horcruxing Ryuzu, with the body in the crystal being her new main body.
LMAO, Rip Otto. But in all seriousness, Subaru is taking this one all onto his and Beatrice's shoulders, even evacuating Frederica and Petra from the mansion. Makes sense, since Roswaal is insane strong and Beako can match up to him.
Finally, am I misremembering something, or does Subaru think that the True Gospel is above his RbD and Beako knows about it now?
All in all, I'd call this an 8/10 episode, with some art style falling apart in the last few moments, and I can't call this episode a 10/10 when Episode 4 is much higher in quality.

Or maybe episode 4 is just a 20/10...
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