Thinking about the opioid crisis and the government's plan for addressing it, and drugs more generally: the government has been in power since 2015.

We are repeatedly told that decriminalization, while no silver bullet, will reduce harm and save lives.

Where are they on this?
In 2017, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction held a cross-border knowledge-sharing summit.

You'll never guess what, among other measures, they recommended?

Decriminalization (see p.12).
The evidence on decriminalization isn't new. It preceded the Liberal government -- and, at this rate, it will succeed this government, too.

The Liberals say they care about evidence.

Absolutely shameful that decriminalization isn't at the top of this government's to-do list.
And don't give me any bullshit about the pandemic.

Decriminalization was necessary before the pandemic and it's even more important now, given that the pandemic further complicates, for instance, the opioid crisis.
At some point, you just have to conclude that this government cares about evidence when it suits it politically and ignores it when it doesn't.

At some point, you just have to conclude that this prime minister doesn't have it in him to do the right thing on drugs.
Of course, maybe the the prime minister is doing what all brave prime ministers do when it comes to controversial decisions in this country: waiting for the courts to tell him to do the right thing.
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