Trumpism is the violent denial of reality, a fascistic movement that weaponizes nostalgia for an America that never existed, a mythology that scrubs America clean of its mistakes and white supremacy and claims we are ordained by god and thus blameless and perfect.
The mythology of American Exceptionalism has been used for centuries to legitimize slavery, white supremacy, the oppression of people, and the accumulation of wealth and power by the wealthy and powerful.

We have to reject this mythology, this fabricated history, now.
Fascism grows from these weaponized mythology and it uses conspiracy theories to explain how an "ordained/chosen" country could possibly falter.

People like Trump project their own failures on their enemies and demand power to crush them.

Our fake history gives him strength.
As long as we exist in the mythologized history of America, this alternate reality where the United States were chosen by God, we cannot change or reform or reject Trumpism.

As long as we stay within those lies, we are powerless to chart a new course.
By learning our actual history, by sorting truth from lie, we find that the bedrock of Trumpism is a fragile, brittle fiction that falls apart under even the most cursory examination.

If we continue to live in this alternate reality, Trumpism and fascism will destroy us.
All of these disasters. The pandemic. The fires. The hurricanes. Gun violence. Climate change. Systemic patriarchal, racist oppression. We're powerless to address them as long as we don't understand HOW we got here.

We have to find truth. We have to fight the weaponized lie.
Until we understand how we got to this point, we are sitting ducks for criminals like Trump to hide behind our poisonous mythology and pick our bones for profit and power.

It's happened elsewhere, it's happening here. We are not immune and we are especially susceptible.
The myth of American Exceptionalism is a religious, secular cult and it will destroy us if we don't escape its twisted lies.

All reform, all progress begins with dismantling the myth of American Exceptionalism and escaping this death cult before it's too late.
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