Anyone read @robintransition's From #WhatIs to #WhatIf? Full of inspiring ideas & telling stats: From 2008-2018, the UK's richest 100 people saw their wealth increase by £83bn - enough, said @equalitytrust, to pay grocery bills of every family now using food banks for 56 years.
This great exercise from @robintransition's #WhatIf: "Find a place you pass every day, sit down and imagine it in the future - a future in which things turn out OK. What would it look like? Smell like? Sound like? Feel like? What would stay the same? What would change?"
He quotes James McKay of Leeds Uni: "As soon as you have something optimistic, you have something that people can react to. Visions can be tremendously powerful in terms of motivating people to make real changes because they can start to see there are things that are achievable."
And @_alexrowland: "It's about how the first step to slaying a dragon is for one person to say, probably drunk in a bar somewhere, 'I bet it can be done though.'" #buildbackbetter #ifnotnowwhen #actnow
Even #MiltonFriedman: "Only a crisis produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions taken depend on the ideas that are lying around... our basic function is to develop alternatives & keep them alive until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable."
And @robintransition says: "For the imagination to flourish, a person needs to feel safe, relaxed, connected to other people, be nourished with good food, surrounded by hopeful narratives... and exposed to nature as often as possible in their daily lives." #Wednesdaywisdom
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