I appreciate the @nytimes giving @noUpside and I a chance to contribute our own "nightmare scenario", although I think it's a much more likely outcome than that phrase implies.

Yesterday, the @2020Partnership went operational to help stop this, but there is a lot more to do. https://twitter.com/nytopinion/status/1303672012737568768
As our partnership has written, there are still serious weaknesses in the policy frameworks of all of the important platforms, as well as inconsistency in the application of those policies. We will soon be looking at some more scenarios to add.

For our friends in the media, the big question is how to properly prepare citizens for the fact that we will have either an "election week" or "election month" in November, and that delay does not mean fraud, when also competing for viewers and clicks.
The Times' awesome needle graphics for this piece are likely self-referential, and I hope that the art department's realization that the 2016 model of "data driven" election night reporting failed has trickled up to the editor's suite.

TV will have the largest challenge here.
In the end, however, if we want to keep this Republic then individual citizens must desire it more than they desire having their prior beliefs reinforced and voters must believe that there is value in democracy beyond its use as a tool for "their side" winning.
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